We are committed to not only meeting, but going beyond, regulatory requirements for health, safety, environmental, social and governance matters. With the expertise of the Agnico Eagle team, and our strong regional focus in some of the most politically stable jurisdictions in the world, we firmly believe we will continue to demonstrate clear leadership not only in sustainability, but in all aspects of our business.

Our Sustainability Commitment

At the core of our Sustainable Development Policy, we are committed to creating value for our shareholders while operating in a safe, socially and environmentally responsible manner, contributing to the prosperity of our employees, their families and our operating communities, and respecting the human rights, cultures, customs and values of those impacted by our activities.

Operate a Safe and Healthy Workplace: We believe that all accidents/incidents are preventable. We aim to operate a safe and healthy workplace that is injury and fatality free. We believe that if we all work together, we can achieve zero accidents in the workplace and enhance the well-being of employees, contractors, and communities.

Respect for Environment : We aim to eliminate, minimize and mitigate impacts of our operations on the environment and maintain its viability and diversity.

Respect for Employees : We aim to maintain a safe and healthy work environment that is based on mutual respect, fairness, and integrity.

Respect for Community : We aim to contribute to the social and economic development of sustainable communities  associated with our operations.


Standards and Disclosures

Our goals include ensuring our portfolio delivers on expectations and lowers operational risk. We do this by identifying, assessing, and managing risks using our in-house Risk Management and Monitoring System (RMMS) which was designed to maintain high standards in sustainability and transparency.

The RMMS is the foundation for managing the commitments made in our Sustainable Development Policy and under the international initiatives, principles, codes, and programs to which we adhere. Our RMMS is aligned to the ISO 14001 Environmental Management System and the ISO 45001 Occupational Health and Safety Management Systems.

For more information on how we are integrating these sustainability standards, codes and disclosures into our daily operations to ensure we are not only meeting, but exceeding, regulatory requirements for health, safety and the environment we invite you to see our annual Sustainability Report.

With RMMS, we ensure the following requirements and industry reporting frameworks are met:



The CDP, formerly known as the Carbon Disclosure Project, goal is to encourage a rational response to climate change, water management and biodiversity by facilitating a dialogue between stakeholders and businesses supported by harmonized, quality data. Agnico Eagle has been reporting to CDP for over a decade and continues to report on an annual basis. We participate in all three questionnaires: Climate Change, Water Security and Forests.

See our latest CDP disclosures below:

- 2023 Disclosure on Climate Change 
- 2023 Disclosure on Water Security 
- 2023 Disclosure on Forests



Conflict Free Gold Standard

Agnico Eagle understands that operating responsibly and maintaining the trust of our stakeholders requires that we demonstrate that the gold we produce has been extracted in a manner that does not fuel unlawful armed conflict, nor contribute to serious human rights abuses or breach international law. As such, we have adopted and implemented the World Gold Council’s (WGC) Conflict-Free Gold Standard (CFGS).

To view annual audit and certification reports, click here

Disclosure of Payments to Governments

We disclose on an annual basis specific payments made to all governments in Canada and abroad including taxes and royalties, as per the Canadian Extractive Sector Transparency Measures Act (ESTMA). 

To consult our latest ESTMA report, click here.

For more detailed information on financial performance refer to our Annual Report.

Global Reporting Initiative

The Global Reporting Initiative (GRI) sets out specific criteria and indicators that organizations can use to measure and report on their economic, environmental, and social performance. Agnico Eagle’s annual sustainability report is prepared in accordance with the GRI Standards.

To consult our 2023 GRI Index and Data Table, click here.

For more information, visit globalreporting.org.

International Cyanide Management Code

Agnico Eagle has been an active participant to the International Cyanide Management Code (ICMC) since 2011. The Detour Lake mine, Kittilä mine, La India mine, Meliadine mine and Pinos Altos mine, as well as the LaRonde complex and Meadowbank Complex are currently certified as compliant with the ICMC. The Fosterville mine became a signatory of the ICMC in 2023 and is currently working towards certification. The Macassa mine is completing a gap assessment.

To consult our audit reports, click here

For more information on ICMC, visit cyanidecode.org.

Modern Slavery

We conduct business in regions where human rights laws are respected and promoted, and we are committed to upholding fundamental human rights as defined in the United Nations Universal Declaration of Human Rights (UDHR). This includes providing assurance that our operations will not support, benefit or contribute to unlawful armed conflict, human rights abuses or breaches of international humanitarian law. We believe everyone has the right to a life free from modern slavery and condemn all forms of severe exploitation for personal or commercial gain. Agnico Eagle does not tolerate the use of child labour, prison labour or any form of forced labour, slavery or servitude.

As required under Australia’s Modern Slavery Act 2018 and Canada’s An Act to enact the Fighting Against Forced Labour and Child Labour in Supply Chains Act and to amend the Customs Tariff, we will publish an annual Modern Slavery Report that outlines the actions undertaken to mitigate modern slavery risks in our operations and supply chains and to ensure transparency.

To consult our annual report, click here.

Responsible Gold Mining Principles

As a member of the WGC, Agnico Eagle is committed to producing gold in a responsible manner. To underscore this commitment, Agnico Eagle fully endorses the RGMPs. Accordingly, we:

develop and implement policies, systems, processes and controls that conform with the Principles;
disclose information to support external stakeholders understanding of how we achieve conformance with the Principles;
secure annual independent assurance review to strengthen credibility and stakeholders' confidence in our processes and conclusions; and
disclose instances or events that have given rise to a situation of non-conformance with the Principles and the steps taken to remedy the situation.

The Principles apply to – and must be implemented at – all gold mining operations over which Agnico Eagle has direct control, including exploration sites and closed sites, within three years of acquisition or commencement of activities.

External Assurance

All of Agnico Eagle's gold mining operations completed a RGMP self-assessment in 2023. According to the self-assessment results, Agnico Eagle conforms with the RGMPs. An independent assurance review was performed by EEM EHS Management based on the assurance requirements set out in the Assurance Framework for the RGMPs (available here). All eleven (11) operations were included in the process, using a sampling-based approach.

2023 Activities

In 2023, Agnico Eagle progressed in the review of its Risk Management and Monitoring System ("RMMS") to further support sustainability governance and management. Work was also done by the supply chain team to incorporate additional sustainability checks and awareness in our processes (complementing our current codes of conduct, policies and procedures).

Moving forward

For 2024, Agnico Eagle intends to complete the RMMS review and issue updated system material and corporate standards to further support our sustainability commitments and continuous improvement. We plan to continue reinforcing our processes by closely following the development of new external requirements and making necessary adjustments to our practices.

Agnico Eagle is also engaged in the implementation of the new Towards Sustainable Mining ("TSM") Diversity, Equity and Inclusion protocol, which will also further support the Principles. For the 2024-2025 external TSM verification, Agnico Eagle will use the TSM Supplement to cover both TSM and RGMP requirements. The process was discussed and agreed upon with representatives of both the Mining Association of Canada and the WGC with positive outcomes.

Agnico Eagle’s 2023 Annual Report on the implementation of the RGMPs and  Independent Assurance Letter can be viewed here.

For more information on RGMPs, click here.

Sustainability Accounting Standards

The Sustainability Accounting Standards Board (SASB) Metals and Mining disclosures and metrics identify financially material sustainability topics and metrics relevant for our industry. Agnico Eagle began reporting SASB disclosures and metrics for the 2019 reporting year and continues to report on an annual basis.

To consult our 2023 SASB Index and Data Table, click here.

Tailings Management Standard

Responsible tailings management is part of the commitments made in our Sustainable Development Policy. It means we are committed to managing tailings facilities to minimize effects on the environment and protect the health and safety of our employees and communities.

To fulfill our commitment to responsible tailings management, we locate, design, construct, operate, decommission and close tailings facilities while ensuring that:

  • All structures are designed, constructed, and operated to meet appropriate stability criteria;
  • All solids are managed within designated areas;
  • All aspects of tailings management comply with regulatory requirements, Company standards, sound engineering principles and applicable industry best practices, including the principles of MAC’s Tailings Guide; and
  • Leadership, personal commitment and accountability from all employees and contractors involved in tailings management is promoted.

 We have implemented a Tailings Management Policy and we continue to implement the Mining Association of Canada’s (MAC) tailings management governance model, which provides clear accountability for tailings management.

For more details on our tailings management, consult our Tailings Summary Reports:

- 2023

Task Force on Climate-related Financial Disclosures (TCFD)

Agnico Eagle recognizes the importance of providing clear, comprehensive, high-quality information on the impacts of climate change on our business and our impact on the climate. In 2021, we committed to support the recommendations of the Task Force on Climate-related Financial Disclosures (TCFD) and have aligned our sustainability report’s energy and climate change section accordingly (see page 46). We continue to refine our understanding of climate-related financial risks and in 2022 released our first Climate Action Report, working to provide more detailed disclosures as outlined by the TCFD.

To view the Climate Action Report, click here.

Towards Sustainable Mining

The Mining Association of Canada’s (MAC) Towards Sustainable Mining (TSM) initiative promotes best practices in environmental protection, energy and climate change management, Indigenous and community relations, safety and health. Agnico Eagle is a strong supporter of TSM, is committed to applying the TSM protocols at all operations no matter where they are located globally, and will continue to actively support this initiative in the future.

TSM external verifications are a condition of membership in MAC and are performed every three years. In 2022, Meliadine Mine completed its first TSM external verification and was evaluated AA and higher for all indicators. Both external verification and self-assessment results are disclosed publicly, mine by mine, on the MAC website. Our Ontario and Australian sites are in the process of adopting TSM and completed verification on their progress as new adopters in 2022. Macassa, Detour Lake and Fosterville will publicly report on their TSM self-assessment in 2024 and be externally verified in 2025.

For more information on TSM and our assessment results, visit mining.ca.

United Nations Sustainable Development Goals

Agnico Eagle is working to support progress on the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals (UN SDGs). We recognize that the mining industry has an opportunity to positively contribute to all 17 of the SDGs. We also have a responsibility to manage the potential negative impacts of mining.

For information on our contributions, click here.

For more information on UN SDGs, visit un.org/sustainabledevelopment

Voluntary Principles on Security and Human Rights

The Voluntary Principles on Security and Human Rights (VPSHRs) guide companies in maintaining the safety and security of their operations within an operating framework that ensures respect for human rights and fundamental freedoms. Agnico Eagle began adopting the VPSHRs in 2016 and became a formal member in 2017. A specific set of criteria was developed and approved in 2020 to enhance our risk management process. Agnico Eagle reports annually on VPSHR conformance. 

For more information on the VPSHR, visit voluntaryprinciples.org.

To consult our annual report, click here.

Water Stewardship

Responsible water management is part of the commitments made in our Sustainable Development Policy. In line with the Mining Association of Canada (MAC) Towards Sustainable Mining (TMS) initiative, Agnico Eagle is committed to manage water using Best Applicable Practices with the objective to protect the public health and safety, minimize harm to our employees and protect the environment. Risks and opportunities related to water management are managed through our internal Risk Management and Monitoring System (RMMS).

Our commitments to responsible water management are detailed in our Water Management Policy.

Workforce Disclosure Initiative

The Workforce Disclosure Initiative (WDI) aims to improve corporate transparency and accountability on workforce issues, provide companies and investors with comprehensive and comparable data, and help increase the provision of good jobs worldwide. Agnico Eagle participated for the first time in 2022.

For more information on the WDI, click here