Pinos Altos is in the mountainous region of northern Mexico, 220 km west of the city of Chihuahua. It is an underground mining operation containing reserves of gold and silver. Commercial production was achieved at the Pinos Altos mine in November 2009 and, under current mine plans, the mine is expected to be in production through 2028. A shaft sinking project was completed in June 2016 at the Pinos Altos mine and during 2018, the site transitioned into being a predominantly underground mining operation.
In 2020, the Company started underground and open pit production at Sinter, located approximately 2 kilometres northwest of the Pinos Altos minesite and depleted the Bravo pit at Creston Mascota in the third quarter of 2020, with residual gold leaching continuing through 2023. Open pit production commenced at Reyna de Plata in 2022. Initial production at the Cubiro satellite deposit is expected in the second half of 2024, providing additional production flexibility to the Pinos Altos operations.